Our Story
Hi, I am Dallas the founder of Bumproo. My wife Cristy and I have a daughter named Davanie which was diagnosed with Hypotonia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Epilepsy, and likely has an undiscovered genetic disorder. With these diagnoses came some challenges, one of our main struggles was every time we would go out to a restaurant Davanie would bump her head/face on the table while sitting at a high chair which would cause our family outings to be cut short.
Trying to find a solution, I went online and searched for a product that would prevent her from getting hurt but there wasn't anything available. I then decided I have to make something to fix our problem and after many versions, Bumproo was born and has completely solved our problem.
If you have someone with special needs send us a message or email and we will give you a personal discount code. Our goal is we want everyone to be able to own a Bumproo, we know it will have a positive impact on your life as it has been to ours.